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Sep 25, 2019

To date, this was one of my favorite episodes to record.  Partially because I love Amazon and love hearing behind the scenes stories from people who’ve worked there.  Brad does share a couple of great stories. 

Mostly I love this interview because the advice shared is pure gold.  Brad Moss has a unique perspective on...

Sep 18, 2019

Paulina Masson is the founder of Shopkeeper and a longtime Amazon seller.  She has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to pricing products. She understands the competitive forces behind pricing decisions as well as the psychological factors.  

Ultimately you want to price in such a way to maximize total profits.  While...

Sep 11, 2019

Is AI coming for all of our jobs?  As agencies and marketers, are we on the road to irrelevance?  Probably not fully, but our roles and our perspectives better shift and shift quickly.  Frederick Vallaeys is a brilliant marketer and programmer. He was one of Google’s first 500 employees and was on the original...

Sep 4, 2019

A few months ago I delivered a talk at Social Media Marketing World 2019 on how to create a full funnel with YouTube ads.  Feedback on the session was great so I wanted to share it here on the podcast.  


Why YouTube ads? Watch time for “which product to buy” videos on YouTube doubled this past year. Nearly 70% of...